eMed International Inc®

Suicidal and Homicidal Assessments

  • Standardization sample included 170 youth ages 8-24 years, and 95 adults 25 to 65 years, and consisted of three study groups: (a) deliberate self-harm (DSH), (b) adjustment disorder (AD), and (c) SSRI drug emergent adverse reactions.
  • Internal consistency coefficients range from .75 to .92. 
  • Test-retest reliability coefficients range from .78 to .98.
  • Positive Likelihood Ratio (LR+ = 17).
  • Concurrent validity with Adolescent and Child Urgent Threat Evaluation (ACUTE™) and Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS™).
Technical Information
  • Can be used as a frequent, repeat 5 item test-retest assessment in combination with the rapid test-retest "must ask" 8 question ACUTE© threat cluster eMed2Go©; (1) to track symptom severity i.e., new onset or worsening ideation; abrupt mental status or behavior change, in association with intake process, ED observation, safety rules, treatment plan; and (2) assess transitions from emergency department to inpatient or outpatient care following an acute AD or SSRI event. 
  • 10 items are divided into a straightforward two stage methodology: Entry Level questions and Acute Violence Executive Screen inquiries.
  • Useful in a variety of settings where emergency decisions made, particularly emergency departments, school psychologist, and mobile crisis units.
  • A detailed Professional Manual offers guidance and a standardized methodology to evaluators.
  • Smartphone or tablet application permits records to be emailed or uploaded directly to electronic medical record (EMR) system.
  • "Do-able" in minutes cross check

Purpose:Identify near-future suicidality and/or homicidallySpecific SSRI, AA, and DSH differentiation.

Age:  25 to 65 years

Admin:  Completed by examiner

Time:  2-5 minutes

Qualification Level:  B, C or S and/orworkshop training certification

Features and Benefits
Test Structure

The innovative evidence-based VISTA© emergency algorithm demonstrates practical screening value of overt deliberate self-harm (DSH) suicidality and nonideation suicidality (NIS) risk in high incidence adjustment disorder (AD) and commonly prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) groups.  The VISTA© is a two-stage triage measure for evaluating short-term risk factors and near-future (minutes to hours) violence.  Utilizing dichotomous as well as likelihood ratio scoring, a range of outcome scores are generated prompting further clinical evaluation.

At a Glance

VISTA© Emergency Suicide assessment

Violence Ideation and Suicidality Treatment Algorithm©

Related Links

Emergency Medical Evaluation of Dangerousness